Monday, 14 January 2013

Windows Repair 1.9.3 Free Download

 Windows Repair 1.9.3 Free Download
- Windows Repair is an all-in-one repair tool to help fix a large
majority of known Windows problems including registry errors and file
permissions as well as issues with Internet Explorer, Windows Update,
Windows Firewall and more.

Malware and installed programs can modify your default settings. With - Windows Repair you can restore Windows original settings. - Windows Repair can do the following:

Reset Registry Permissions

Reset File Permissions

Register System Files

Repair WMI

Repair Windows Firewall

Repair Internet Explorer

Repair MDAC & MS Jet

Repair Hosts File

Remove Policies Set By Infections

Repair Icons

Repair Winsock & DNS Cache

Remove Temp Files

Repair Proxy Settings

Unhide Non System Files

Repair Windows Updates

and more...

Small improvements to a few repairs.
Better support when running the program through a script. I have a good amount of repair shops that use this repair tool. Some like to run the repair tool with the silent command and from a script in a bat file. The old version of the program would close any cmd.exe window before running the repairs. This of course defeated the purpose of running through a script. So I have changed the way the program waits for a repair to finish. Instead of waiting for cmd.exe to close, each repair will now make a file. When the repair is finished it will delete the file, then the program will know to move onto the next repair.
I now have the cmd.exe windows change to a gray background with black text. This way when running the program through a script you will know which cmd.exe window belongs to the windows repair
The program will now save any errors from the repairs into a txt file on the Windows drive in a folder. Example: "C:\Tweaking.com_Windows_Repair_Logs\" Multiple log files are made for the permission repairs. This is because the MS tool doesn't append to the log file, so a new file has to be made for each section. Since this could create a fair amount of log files I have the program cleanup any empty log files after the repairs are ran.

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